Well, I finally did get to pay a short visit to the kitchen the other day. While I was there, I met the coffeepot. At first it seemed so friendly, sitting there on the counter emanating warmth and making such delightful bubbling and gurgling sounds. I could tell it was filled with water, and we parrots love the sound of moving water. But that coffeepot turned out to be a selfish old thing and wouldn’t let me get anywhere near its water at all. I poked my beak all around it, everywhere I could reach, but it wouldn’t share even one drop of water with me. What a meanie.
Shadow, the coffee pot is your friend! Believe me, if your human is anything like mine, you don't want to deal with them if they don't have their coffee!
I guess you're right, Brubeck. My person does love her coffee. I'm a tea drinker, myself. By the way, what kind of parrot are you?
Squawk! My brother Dylan and I are cockatiels. Our big brother Squawkers McCaw is a blue and gold macaw. But he's animatronic.
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