Sunday, April 30, 2023


 I’ve been watching a robin build a nest outside my window. Back and forth, back and forth, she flies, bringing dried grasses which she carefully arranges and forms into a nest shape, then flies off to search for more materials.

Just watching her do all that work is tiring. And why bother, I wonder, when she could just lay her eggs in her extra food dish. I’ve done that several times myself. It’s very convenient and much easier than doing all that nest building. On the other hand, when I look back on it, I have to admit that none of my eggs have ever hatched. Hmmmmmm. . . . .  maybe that robin’s on to something.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Parrot Poetry


Spring Rain

by Shadow

Outside the rain is coming down,
Splish-splashing as it hits the ground.
Inside, where I am warm and dry,
From my perch I watch the drops fly by.
The rainfall turns the whole world green.
The prettiest color I’ve ever seen!

Friday, April 14, 2023

Hatch Day

Tomorrow is my hatch day. 


It was 26 years ago that I pecked my way out of my egg. And in those 26 years I’ve done so many interesting things. I hatched in 1 state, have lived in 2 others as well as the District of Colombia, and have traveled through many other states as well.  I have made many acquaintances and several dear friends, both human and avian (but not canine or feline!). I have sampled and enjoyed many kinds of food, though of course I have my favorites – walnuts and seed treats. I have fended off all kinds of predators – dog, cats, horses, tall ladders, trucks, scissors, random passersby – to name just a few of the fearsome enemies I have confronted. I have also enjoyed the cultured life, having chewed my way through a variety of books and newspapers and enjoyed many TV shows and movies in the company of my people. All in all, I can say that I have enjoyed an interesting and varied life and I look forward to much more. 

I plan to spend my hatch day quietly in the company of my people and hope they will indulge me with lots of seed treats. How do you like to spend your hatch day?

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Beauty Tips

I am, as I frequently remark myself, a “pretty bird!” So I thought I’d share some of my beauty tips with you today.


I have posted about preening recently, and I can’t emphasize the importance of it enough. If you do nothing else, at least remember to preen your feathers every day. Preening keeps them clean, shiny, and waterproof.

Oatmeal Mask

If you happen to get some oatmeal stuck on your beak while eating breakfast, don’t worry. The oatmeal won’t hurt you and in fact is good for your complexion. When you’re ready to wipe it off, you’ll find that your person’s sleeve is a convenient place for that. Chewing along the edge of the newspaper that your person is reading will also do the trick.


Frequent bathing is important for the health and beauty of your feathers. If you give your person a gentle reminder (nip on the ear) while he’s washing the dishes, he’ll fill a frying pan with water for you to bathe in. If there’s no frying pan around, use whatever is available – a saucer, a glass – as long as there’s water in it, you can bathe in it. 

Beauty Sleep

A rested bird is a healthy bird, and a healthy bird is a pretty bird! So make frequent naps a regular part of your daily beauty routine. It doesn’t matter where you nap – on your perch, in your person’s hair, wherever – just as long as you nap often. 

What are some of your favorite beauty tips? Please share them in the comments.