Tuesday, October 29, 2013

More Seasonal Poetry

by Shadow

The outside birds sing
Their greetings to spring:
Cheep cheep chirrup chirp cheer.
But my kind of talking's
A very loud squawking.
It's pleasanter to the ear.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fall Poetry

Continuing with my suite of seasonal poems, I present you with this poem about fall:

by Shadow

In early fall
The little birds call,
"Migration time is near."
Then off they race
To a warmer place.
As for me, I stay right here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Winter Poetry

by Shadow

Winter's not nice.
There's snow and there's ice,
And violent winds rage.
But I don't care
What happens out there.
I'm warm inside my cage.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Latest Parrot Poetry

Pretty Bird
by Shadow

Birds may be blue, or black, or red.
These are colors that I’ve seen.
But the prettiest bird in all the world
Is the bird with feathers green.

Little birds sitting in a row
Make a lovely scene.
But the loveliest bird in all the world
Is the bird with feathers green.

A crested bird proud on a branch
May be beautiful as a queen.
But the beautifulest bird in all the world
Is the bird with feathers green.